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A Slightly More Detailed History of Dheeraj, Kalpa and the Development of Tibetan Pulsing Yoga
(Written by Simon Rees, incorporating also some passages paraphrased from Kalpa Buchner's own writings and stories)
Shantam Dheeraj is the creative genius responsible for the existence of Tibetan Pulsing Yoga in the world today, in co-ordination with his many fellow Tibetan Pulsing friends who assisted him in his work over a period of several decades of intense creativity.
He was born in Texas in the USA in 1940 and as a young man lived recklessly, rapidly trashing out his health, above all through alcoholism. He nearly succumbed four times to pancreatitis (which normally kills after only one or two seizures), and decided at last to try and give up drinking. One day he noticed that just walking around holding his loose trousers up by hand reduced the pain in his pancreas, and realized it was because his hand was pressing just above the organ for prolonged periods. The same happened on the other side of his ribcage with the aching in his liver. In particular, he could feel the pulsebeat in his hand had a relaxing, healing effect on the area. From this point on, throughout the rest of his life, he developed the system of Tibetan Pulsing Yoga to exploit, understand and teach this transformational power of touch and pulsation which he had felt on himself.
Dheeraj also became a living example of this power, living several decades longer than his doctors had expected, and one by one giving up not only his addictions – alcohol, drugs, and finally tobacco – but even eradicating his physiological and emotional cravings for them, using his own pulsing techniques. He taught his system to thousands of people, and transformed individuals suffering from a wide range of health conditions (e.g. the effect of his work on some people's tumours became well-known), even though curing illnesses was not his primary aim. Dheeraj’s own self-destructive past gave him a very deep understanding of the mechanisms of pain and ill health, but Tibetan Pulsing Yoga was primarily designed to bring people into a deeper state of meditation.
Early in the course of his work, Dheeraj met no less than five different Tibetan Masters, including Kalu Rinpoche and Dujam Rinpoche, who recognized him as a reincarnation of their former Tibetan friend Jamyang Wangpo Khyentse Rinpoche. The title of ‘Rinpoche’ is endowed on monks only at a very advanced stage in their development. Apparently, to prove you are ready for this title, part of the traditional procedure involves sitting half-naked in the middle of the ice. The ice around the monk must then be melted through heat generated from within the body by the sheer power of meditation. But if the ice is not melted to form a perfect circle around the monk – if it is even slightly oval in shape – it means his energy is not yet evenly balanced enough for the title of Rinpoche. . . Or so the story goes!
Shantam Dheeraj made contact with various Tibetan, Chinese and Indian Masters during his many decades of developing of Tibetan Pulsing Yoga, such as His Holiness the Karmapa, and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. It was Dujam Rinpoche who, on first meeting Dheeraj, tapped his new book, proclaiming, “A very old Tibetan book!” In 1979 the World Patriarch of Taoism, Master Ni Hua Ching, gave Dheeraj the title of ‘Sifu,’ which means ‘Holder of the Universal Knowledge.’ He recognized Dheeraj’s discoveries as a part of those contained in an ancient thousand-page manuscript he had once learned by rote in his own Taoist monastery in China. As soon as Dheeraj heard about it, he wanted to see the book, but Ni Hua Ching shook his head, saying, “It has to be rewritten – the old one is obsolete!”
Ni Hua Ching was to be one of a line of living teachers and Masters to laughingly decline to help Dheeraj with his work once they realized how deeply he had already grasped the arcane knowledge of the past, and instead to encourage him to rediscover and modernize the lost techniques which they all separately recognized from their own esoteric traditions.
Dheeraj took this to heart, and never stopped taking his work into new avenues of discovery with a youthful spirit of pioneering creativity. Even when he died in 1998, he was full of unfinished plans for further projects, although he had already spent years refining the use of everything from contemporary music and cinema to drama, stories and eye photography to help elucidate the Tibetan Pulsing framework for understanding the human nervous system and world at large.
Dheeraj spent over ten of possibly the most creative years of his life developing some of the most important parts of his work, including the New Mind, in Poona, India, together with his devoted partner Kalpa and other friends and fellow travellers under the guiding light of their enlightened master Osho (pictured on the right), although Osho like other Masters he had met did not feel his work was anything especially new! Eventually, however, Dheeraj settled in Italy, invited to join the Global Village for World Peace in Tuscany by the Tibetan Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, and today various pulsing yoga centres, such as the Padmasambhava Association in Germany, continue to run the same workshops and courses which Dheeraj developed, as well as new ones.
During the last years of Dheeraj's life, Kalpa also collaborated with him on other important new work such as the Light Waves and Temple Wave, and since his death she has continued this creative work by developing and evolving new Tibetan Pulsing Yoga discoveries and modules in her own right such as most of the remaining Light Waves, the Dragon and the Tiger.
After Dheeraj's death, Kalpa also set out on over-seeing the task which led from the transcription of audio recordings of Dheeraj to the eventual preparation of the voluminous and inspiring book "Where Does the World Come From?", an immensely important contribution to humanity and posterity, as it comprises an accurate written record of many of Dheeraj's most advanced, detailed and comprehensive ideas and discoveries in the field of the New Mind work, one of the main bodies of work practised in Tibetan Pulsing Yoga.
Tibetan Pulsing Yoga courses are also run in many other places, with other teachers also collaborating to keep Tibetan Pulsing Yoga alive and growing in the world. In particular, people travel to Europe from as far afield as Korea, Japan and Australia regularly just to attend such events.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama met Dheeraj on various
visits over the years, as pictured here in India in 1996.
Dheeraj (left) is handing the Dalai Lama (right) a
symbolic colour representation of the '24 lights.'
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Sister Sites Maintained as Educational Resources by the Same Authors:
Link to: FCT World - First Prepare Your System for Yoga & Meditation Using the Unique & Powerful System of Medicine called Field Control Therapy |
Link to: Key Toxins - Exclusive Articles, Info & Interviews about Toxicity, the World's Most Pressing Issue |
Link to: See What Is There - Wide-Ranging Humanitarian Web Resource, of Which Tibetan Pulsing World is Part |
Link to: Deep Energy Healing - Resources on Different Therapies, the Nature of Healing and the Future of Medicine |
© Copyright 2007 Simon Rees and Tibetan Pulsing World. |
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